September 15th, 2012

What Then Shall I Read?

Several months ago, I approached Mr. Doug Phillips, Mr. Kevin Swanson, and Dr. R.C. Sproul Jr, three men I very highly esteem, all leaders in the biblical home education movement. I asked them a rather straightforward question: “I’m nineteen, I’ve graduated from high school, I have no job, no wife, and no children. Since I don’t have time to read everything, could you help me prioritize and provide me with the names of the most important books I should be reading in this season of my life?” They all kindly took the time to answer, and I’d like to pass on their answers to you, with the hopes that they’ll help guide your reading.

Bondage of the Will, by Martin Luther

Orthodoxy, G.K. Chesterton

Amusing Ourselves to Death, by Neil Postman

Postmodern Times, by Gene Edward Veith

Christ of the Covenants, by O. Palmer Robertson (I’ve read this one and it is the book on Covenant Theology)

The Conservative Mind, by Russell Kirk


He said to read Theologies, Histories, and Biographies

He said to read the writings of the Puritans and Reformers: John Calvin, Jeremiah Burroughs, John Owen, Richard Baxter, Thomas Watson, John Bunyan

Authentic Christianity by Dr. Joe Morecraft—a hefty, five-volume commentary on the Westminster Catechism

On histories, he gave me three sub-categories: Church History, American History, and Ancient World History

Listen to 2,000 Years of Christian Theology, audio lectures by Dr. Joe Morecraft

For biographies, he said to read not only those of aforementioned church fathers and Reformers, but also ones of great historical leaders, political leaders, and significant missionaries (John G. Paton, as one example)


The Bible

The Institutes of the Christian Religion, by John Calvin

He said to read church history

He said to read the apostolic and church fathers (Justin Martyr, Clement, etc.)

Confessions and The City of God, by St. Augustine

Revolt Against Maturity, by R.J. Rushdoony

Foundations of Social Order, by R.J. Rushoony

When I explained my personal vision for reforming an aspect of our culture, he said I ought to continue reading books on culture, and recommended All God’s Children and Blue Suede Shoes by Kenneth A. Myers

DR. JOE MORECRAFT (I approached the other three men as a result of a conversation I had with Dr. Morecraft)

Systematic Theology, by Louis Berkhof

An Eschatology of Victory, by J. Marcellus Kik (click here to read my review of this excellent book)

Knowing God, by J.I. Packer

Pushing the Antithesis, by Dr. Greg Bahnsen

Always Ready, by Dr. Greg Bahnsen

The Sovereignty of God, by Arthur Pink

The Puritan Hope, by Iain Murray

He Shall Have Dominion, by Dr. Ken Gentry

Thus their thoughts—and I’m very thankful that they took the time to answer my question. I’m afraid I’ve got my reading cut out for the next ten years!